Monday, May 1, 2017

Granulated Blast Furnace Slag ( GBFS : EN 15167-1:2006 )


 Granulated Blast Furnace Slag         (  EN 15167-1:2006  )

It is used as an additive component in ready-mix concrete, in production of type CEM III Slag cement or other types of blended cement.

Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GBFS) is one of the waste material groups obtained from various metallurgy plants. In production of raw iron, blast furnace slag remains above raw iron due to having less weight and iron ore gangue is composed at a temperature between 1,400 to 1,600 °C after burning of coke and limestone. It is used as an additive component in ready-mix concrete, in production of type CEM III Slag cement or other types of blended cement. It is produced in conformity with the standard TS EN 15167-1.

Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GYFC) has for long years been added as a binder into the Portland Cement as
well as being used as a mineral additive in the concrete or as an additive in the blended cements.
Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GYFC) is one of the most significant environment-friendly materials. Granulated
Blast Furnace Slag (GYFC) emerges as a byproduct of the iron-steel industry.
If GYFC is ground to a fineness value of 5.000 Blaine, the concretes produced with GYFC achieve the early
strength of the concretes produced with CEM I type cement.
 High resistance to sulfate attacks
 Able to replace the cement in use
 High resistance to acid attacks
 High resistance to chloride attacks
 Higher 28 day strength and longer lifetime as compared to the concretes produced with CEM I type
 Able to be used in common and special concretes
 Economical
 Low temperature increase at early ages, resistance to thermal cracks and low hydration heat
 Light colored, attractive appearance
 Able to work in compatibility with the chemical additives
 Stable and steady.
Main Fields of Use in the Constructions
 Dams
 Ports
 Wastewater treatment plants
 Irrigation channels
 Bridges
 Motorways
 Underwater concrete injections
 Underground concrete injections
 Concrete walls
 Precast concrete structures
 Underground
 Biogas facilities
 Agricultural structures
 Production of concrete pipes, culverts
 Sewerage improvement facilities
Package Form and Delivery
It is delivered in bulk form within bulk trailers or within big-bags. 

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