Thursday, January 18, 2018

Basaltic Pumice and Basalt

Basaltic Pumice and Basalt

Basic pumice is called as “Scoria” in literature, it is a kind of pumice that the specific gravity is around 1-2gr/cm3 and it is mined out in the nature brown, black, reddish colors. The old name for scoria is cinder or volcanic cinder. When it is used for landscaping it is mostly called as “lava rock”.
Basaltic pumice or with the other name lava rock is a highly vesicular volcanic rock that basaltic or andesitic in composition. Basaltic pumice is low in mass as a result of its numerous holes or vesicles, but consider to pumice, all scoria has a specific gravity greater than 1, and because of that sinks in water.
Basalt is the most basic rock of Gabro subgroup and one of the black color, homogenius, highy density and heavy volcanic rocks. The reserves are mostly massive, core and effluence 
It’s mostly used as paving, construction rock, bridge construction rock, railway ballast material, stabilisation and protection of offshore pipelines, cables and other kind installations. 

The Uses of lava rock (basaltic pumice and basalt);
•           Cement products as an additive material
•           Concrete blocks
•           Lightweight concrete
•           Concrete bricks
•           Aggregates Drainage
•           railway ballast material,
•           stabilisation and protection of offshore pipelines, cables and other kinds installations
•           Decorative gravels
•           Horticulture and agriculture
•           Related with a green roof and for a soil substrate where the plants will grow, lava rock is one of the best solutions as lava rock provides many advantages such as: 
•           Saves water (keeps water as it has porous character, water penetrate to the soil slowly)
•           Saves precious nitrogen in the soil
•           Protects gardens from snail and slug attack
•           Insulates garden soil from the worst of heat and cold
•           Improves soil by adding elements 
•           Light and very easy to apply
•           Very good for pots insulates and protects

•           Totally natural and no chemicals


Calcite is a mineral name that the chemical structure of it is CaCO3 which is calcium carbonate rocks forming mineral. 

When considering the growing of the plants and animals in our world, when considering the modern world, mankind and our daily lives, that’s some like impossible to imagine our lives without calcium carbonate. Almost every product which we use in our daily lives, it contains calcium carbonate or during its production it is associated with the mineral.  
Calcium carbonate reserves are spread throughout the world; although the deposits are plentiful, only a few are of sufficient high quality to be mined and even a fewer number of deposits provide raw materials for industrial and agricultural use other than the construction and roads building industry. Only if the purity, degree of whiteness, thickness and homogeneity are acceptable, it is worth for the commercial extraction. After quarrying, further treatment -which are mostly separating and grinding- is required to process natural calcium carbonates of the highest quality, known generically as Ground Calcium Carbonate (GCC). Precipitated Calcium Carbonate (PCC) is a synthetic calcium carbonate which is produced by industry too. Both GCC and PCC can be used in a wide range of applications in much kind of products. For each end use there exists a tailor-made product, where fineness and particle size distribution are optimally balanced to meet the technical demands and quality of that particular requirement.

The formation of Calcite (Calcium Carbonate) which produces as commercial worth in the world are white, pure lime stone, holocrystalline (which produces in Turkey) and the formation are white chalk.

The calcite formations are quite wide in Turkey and especially Nigde area is one of the whitest deposits in the world as well as in Turkey. The whiteness becomes more especially after the grinding process. CaCO3 percentage is quite high and that is the most other important point for the related consumption industries which calcite is used.

Areas of milled micronized calcite Consumption
•           Paper Industry
•           Paint & Coating Industries
•           Plastic, Rubber and Cable Industries
•           Construction Industy
•           Chemical Industry

•           Food Industry

Pure White Gypsum

Gypsum rock is a mineral which the chemical composition is calcium sulphate. It is also defined there are two sorts of it in the nature which are called as “Gips (CaSO4.2H2O)” and “Anhydrite (CaSO4)”  and it is also defined as an industrial mineral which produced “gypsum” for the construction industry. 
The material is called as Gypsum which is produced from Gypsum Rock by superheating (120-180C) to remain half molecule in its structure (TS EN 13279-1). Gypsum rock is used in the construction industry to produce mostly unmixed gypsum mortar, mixed gypsum mortar and plaster board.
On the other hand the uses of the chemical fertilizers are decreasing together with the increasing of the ecologic agricultural implementations on the world, and related with that the uses of the Inorganic Soil Amendments or with the other name Inorganic Fertilizers which are produced from minerals have been increasing.      

The Usage Fields of the Gypsum Rock
•           The raw gypsum rock delays setting of the cement.  
•           The raw gypsum rock uses for the paper and textile industries as a white paint and filler material.
•           Uses for the ferment in the beer industry.
•           Uses in the medical, surgical and dentistry.
•           Uses for the sanitary ware, porcelain and tile production during the treatment of the mold.
•           Uses to obtain ammonium sulphate, sulphur and sulphur oxide in the chemical industry.
•           The gypsum products are the main input of the construction and prefabricate construction materials. There are many kinds of uses of the gypsum products in the construction. Gypsum rock is also used in the recent years as a temperature and sound insulation material and used as a regulatory for the humidity.      
•           High Purity Gypsum in the Agriculture Industry;
•           It regulates the pH of the soil.
•           It provides the sulphate-sulphur requirements of the soil without unbalancing the soil balance. 
•           Improves water penetration to the soil and eliminates the water retention. Because of that saves the water. 
•           Reduce the acidity of the sub soil.
•           Supports the balancing between the magnesium, potassium and micronutrients.
•           Increase the yield quantity and of the crop quality.
•           It dissolves more than calcium carbonate and limestone rocks and provide calcium to the soil and plant, affects more. 

Products :

Grey Cement Bagged cement in sling bags , Grey Cement in big bags,  Bulk Cement ,
Oil-well cement , White cement , Portland Clinker , Gypsum Stone , Bauxite ore , 
Basalt Stone , Limestone , Slaked lime , quicklime , Calcite , AAC Blocks ,
Ground granulated  /  granulated blast  furnace , slag , Fly-ash

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