Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Chaux vive,Chaux éteinte - Hydrated Lime,Quicklime

#ChauxVive,Chaux éteinte

Lime Product Types
  • Hydrated Lime
  • Quicklime

What is Lime?

  • (CaO) is obtained in the nature by heating of limestone (CaCO3) in high temperature kilns resulting quicklime.

What is Hydrated Lime?

  • When the quicklime reacts with water, it turns into an hydrated lime (Ca (OH) 2) in the powder form , which is called hydrated lime.

  • Application Areas: Construction sector, Mining Sector, Paper Industry, Chemistry Industry, Flue gas cleaning, Drinking water, Waste water treatment

What is Quicklime?

  • It is called quicklime which is obtained by heating in high temperature kilns.

  • Application Areas: Iron&steel industry, Construction Sector, Paper Industry, Chemistry Industry, Flue gas desulfurization, Water treatment,Mining sector, Waste water treatment, Treatment sludge reclamation and Glass production.


Exportateur de tous les liants hydrauliques : -ciment gris, -ciment blanc, -chaux ,- carbonate de calcium,- dolomie,-calcaire,-Minerai de bauxite, - Kaolin, - Calcite, - Pierre ponce, - Basalteplâtre, chaux hydratée, chaux hydraulique, chaux vive,...

usine de production de chaux vive, chaux eteinte et carbonate de calcium granulé  

Usage Of Limestone Lumps
Cement industry
Ferro alloys
Iron & steel
Foundry plants
Secondary steel manufacturers where it is used as a
Chemical industry
As fluxing agent
In the refining of sugar
In Paper making
For making of rags
For bleaching of textiles
For leather making
As bleaching powder
As Calcium carbide
Soda ash
Hydrated lime
Calcium chloride
Slaked lime


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