Monday, April 16, 2018


Turkish orgin bauxite ore 50 %, suitable for cement production

Bauxite ore
Trihydrate Bauxite
Monohydrate Bauxite
Turkish Bauxite is a DIASPORITE MONOHYDRATE Bauxıte is a very hard rock, it is not like other bauxite's from Africa or far east. Tropical regions Bauxite are mainly BOEHMITE TRIHYDRATE and they are like clays ,( soft soils). Because of mineralogical structure of our product,it is suitable for cement factories.
We work as facilitators.We work for mine owners (product owners) under contract (sellers mandate).We assist sellers by performing preliminary work in identifying end-buyer consumers and in obtaining documents to show intent to buy and ability to pay.We assist end-buyer consumers by performing preliminary work in identifying mine owners (product owners) with available supplies and will work with buyer or buyer mandate. We assist both seller and buyer at their instruction and will work to contract and in maintaining contract; assisting with negotiating, languages and communication and more to the satisfaction of all for the purpose of successful contracts.BAUXITE min 53% Basis Al203 TurkeyIf interested, we can supply you manganese ore from my associate mine in Turkey


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