Monday, March 29, 2021

Pumice “Scoria”


Pumice “Scoria”

Basic pumice is called as “Scoria” in literature, it is a kind of pumice that the specific gravity is around 1-2gr/cm3 and it is mined out in the nature brown, black, reddish colors. The old name for scoria is cinder or volcanic cinder. When it is used for landscaping it is mostly called as “lava rock”.
Basaltic pumice or with the other name lava rock is a highly vesicular volcanic rock that basaltic or andesitic in composition. Basaltic pumice is low in mass as a result of its numerous holes or vesicles, but consider to pumice, all scoria has a specific gravity greater than 1, and because of that sinks in water.

Basalt is the most basic rock of Gabro subgroup and one of the black color, homogenius, highy density and heavy volcanic rocks. The reserves are mostly massive, core and effluence
It’s mostly used as paving, construction rock, bridge construction rock, railway ballast material, stabilisation and protection of offshore pipelines, cables and other kind installations.

The Uses of lava rock (basaltic pumice and basalt);

• Cement products as an additive material
• Concrete blocks
• Lightweight concrete
• Concrete bricks
• Aggregates Drainage
• railway ballast material,
• stabilisation and protection of offshore pipelines, cables and other kinds installations
• Decorative gravels
• Horticulture and agriculture
• Related with a green roof and for a soil substrate where the plants will grow, lava rock is one of the best solutions as lava rock provides many advantages such as:
• Saves water (keeps water as it has porous character, water penetrate to the soil slowly)
• Saves precious nitrogen in the soil
• Protects gardens from snail and slug attack
• Insulates garden soil from the worst of heat and cold
• Improves soil by adding elements
• Light and very easy to apply
• Very good for pots insulates and protects
• Totally natural and no chemicals

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