Friday, March 12, 2021




Pumice For Construction

pumice is known to be the lightest pumice all around the world with its fully-dried density of 300-400 kg/m3. Pumice Mine implements a special purification process where pumice dust and all non-pumice ingredients are eliminated. As a result of this special treatment, fully-dried density of pumice can be reduced below 300 kg/m3.
The porous structure of pumice together with the purification process enables production of light-weight blocks with the highest insulation values. (i.e. Pomice bloc –d190mm; h240mm; w490mm- has a heat insulation of ʎ=0,11 W/mK, and a dry weight of only 8,0 kg.) This value promotes construction of A+ energy saving buildings. Additionally, blocks produced with Pumice Mine are A1 Non-Combustible.

Scoria (Basaltic Pumice)

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