Saturday, October 28, 2017

cement 42,5 CFR Colombia and Itajai /brazil

cement 42,5 CFR Colombia  and  Itajai /brazil

=20.000 mt 10 pct bgd slınged cement
=type CEM I 42.5 R or CEM II 42.5 R or  N ın buyer’s optıon
=Origin Turkish
=packıng ın 50 kos PP bags and ın 1.5 mt slıng bags
=10 pct +/- seller’s option
=dely CFR one good safe port bsrth alwasys afloat cqartagena or barraquilla /Colombia  and  Itajai /brazil
=disch free out  2500 c per day
=shipments to be geared vsl ( mın  4 x 25 mt cranes )
=shıpment laycan to commence 15 days after receiving fully workable irrevocable ,payable at sight,comnfirmed by a fırst class european bank.
=seller’s option to carry as part cargo
=seller’s optıon to call fırst Colombıa or Brazıl
=price usd :
 For CEM I 42.5 R  usd  88
For CEM II 42.5 R usd 85
For CEM II 42.5 N usd 83

   all per mton  CFR free out  basis

=at discharge port  master can tender NOR ( notice of readiness ) between 0800-1700 hrs  7 days a week.
=Time counting to commence at 1400 hrs ıf NOR tendered before 1400 and at 0800 hrs next day if tendered after 14.00 hrs
=time not to count only during religious and national holidays at both ends  but unless used ,if used time actually used to be counted fully
=master can declare NOR on arrival to the official anchorage area of the port
=time used for shifting from the anchorage place to the loadıng or dischargıng berth not to count even ıf the vessel is on demurrage.
  But if vessel will be shifted from loadıng  and /or discharging berth to another berth or to anchorage and berth again all time used for this operations
  To be counted as lay time and  all cost for the same to be charterer’s account
=if vessel shıfted on ropes wıthout usıng pılot or tug boat   no expenses to be charged to the charterer.
=performıng vessel to be sıngle decker bulk carrıer  fully P and I and H&M ınsurance covered and stay lıke so  for mınımum 3 months longer after completion of the voyage
=vessel will give the cranes free of any expense  to be sued at loadıng and discharging but  winchmen cost to be always for charterer’s account
=Demurrage usd 10.000 per day pro rata,
=Demurrage payable  within 20 days after presenting time  sheets and statement of facts and the demurrage invoice
=taxes dues on cargo to  be buyer’s account
=owner’s agents at both ends ( at load  SHIPPING AGENCY ‘’
=master wıll be responsible for only number of sling and not weight of the slings.
=master / vessel will not be responsible for any damage/shortage claim after cargo leaves the vessel
=overtime if any to be paid by the party requesting same. if ordered by port authority same to be buyer’s   account
=all taxes dues on cargo discharge port ıncludıng any tally expenses to buyer’s account
=sub details to be  agreed
=sub details as per Gencon co 1994  ammended form.
=for reply here untill 12.00 hrs Istanbul time  on 30.10.2017

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