Saturday, October 7, 2017



High resistance against Sulfate and Acid attacks.
Blast Furnace Slag Cement (Used as substitute for sulfate-resistant cement)
delivers a very high
performance against water including sulfate, chloride,
carbonate, thermal water, seawater and defrosting materials.
It has been proved that slag cement performs better than other cement types
against the effects of dangerous environments involving acidic water,
sulfated water and chloride water.

Slag cement is particularly known for its advantage over
other kinds against chloride permeability and sulfate effect.
Longer strength development compared to CEM I type cement.
Reaches and exceeds concrete strength of CEM I in 28 days.
Effective against possible expansion due to alkali-silica reaction.
It minimizes the alkali-silica reactions and so prevents hazardous
volume expansion and formation of gel
of hydrophilic calcium silicate which deteriorates concrete.
For higher ratios of slag/clinker, the favorable effect is more significant.
Low heat of hydration that prevents thermal cracks.
It reduces the maximum temperature of concrete and
prolongs the time to reach the maximum
temperature by decreasing the heat of hydration.
Prevention of chloride ion leakage into concrete.
Voids containing calcium hydroxide in concrete are filled with
silicate hydrates that are a result of slag
cement hydration and prevent aggressive sulfate intake by
decreasing the permeability of the paste.
It also decreases the permeability of chloride ions that cause
deterioration of steel equipment and carbonation depth.
Light color, attractive appearance.
A lighter color of concrete improves the decorative
appearance and also provides cooler and more
luminous buildings by means of its capability to reflect the light.
Resistance to high temperature as in case of fire.
Deformation is less compared to CEM I type cement
when subject to fire and high temperatures.
Increasing economic life of buildings.
The resistive capability of concrete increases
throughout its lifetime against abrasive physical and
chemical incidents that originate from the ambient conditions
where concrete is used.
It increases the lifetime of a building up to 200 years.
Increase of low temperature at early ages.
Since it prevents high temperatures while mass concrete is poured,
it provides some advantages
enabling faster pouring of concrete.

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